Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Sum-of-Squares Based Observer Design Using Lyapunov Functions of Order Higher than Two

Rehák Branislav

: Memoria XV Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático CLCA 2012 Proceedings, p. 1-5

: 15th Latinamerican Control Conference CLCA 2012, (Lima, PE, 23.10.2012-26.10.2012)

: LG12008, GA MŠk

: Observer, sum-of-squares, Lyapunov function

(eng): A simple method for designing an observer for a polynomial system is described here. The method is based on the use of the sum of squares to ensure stability of the observer. The main idea is to design a Lyapunov function so that its derivative along trajectories is a polynomial that can be expressed as a sum of squares of polynomials multiplied by a negative constant. The described method allows to use nonquadratic terms in the Lyapunov function that is crucial for the design of the observer. The in°uence of these nonquadratic terms is the subject of investigation. The results are illustrated by simulation results.

: BC