Publication details

Conference, Workshop Arrangement

Manyval 2013: Games, decisions and rationality

Cintula Petr, Majer Ondrej, Kroupa Tomáš

: (Prague, CZ, 04.09.2013-06.09.2013)

: GAP402/12/1309, GA ČR

: mathematical logic, multi-valued logics, game-theoretic semantics, uncertainty of non-classical events, decision theory


(eng): ManyVal is a series of international workshops on the logical and algebraic aspects of many-valued reasoning. The aim of the workshops is to gather both established and young researchers sharing an interest for a specific topic. Accordingly, each edition has a sharp focus. The attendance is limited in order to facilitate close and informal interaction. There are no parallel sessions. Contributed talks are allocated ample time. ManyVal'13 took place in Prague, October 4-6, 2013 and was focus on: Game-theoretic semantics of many-valued logics; Algebraic semantics of many-valued logics; De Finetti-style theorems; Uncertainty of non-classical events.

: BA