Publication details


General Neighborhood and Kripke Semantics for Modal Many-Valued Logics

Cintula Petr, Menchón P., Noguera Carles

: LATD 2018. Proceedings, p. 31-34

: LATD 2018: Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees /6./, (Bern, CH, 20190828)

: GA17-04630S, GA ČR

(eng): In modal extensions of classical logic, Kripke frames and Scott–Montague neighborhood frames (see e.g. [21, 26]) provide two, widely used, different kinds of frame semantics; the former is intended for normal modal logics (i.e. extensions of K), while the latter works as well for non-normal modal logics extending the weaker system E. However, not all logics extending these basic logics are complete with respect to a class of corresponding frames.\n