Publication details

Journal Article

Waviness analysis of glossy surfaces based on deformation of a light source reflection

Filip Jiří, Vávra Radomír, Maile F. J.

: Journal of Coatings Technology and Research vol.20, 5 (2023), p. 1703-1712

: GA22-17529S, GA ČR

: Waviness, Orange peel, Measurement, Gloss, Highlight, Profile, Contour, Reflection

: 10.1007/s11998-023-00775-6



(eng): The evaluation of waviness, also known as orange peel, is essential for the quality control of materials in industrial fields working with high gloss materials, e.g., coatings, automotive and metal fabrication. This paper presents an affordable noncontact method for waviness analysis based on a single image of the light source reflected from the surface under study. The spatial perturbations along the contour of the light source reflection are compared to the ideal contour and analyzed in the Fourier domain to obtain standard features that have been compared to commercial ripple characterization device. Additional three method-specific features are proposed and evaluated. Our method has been tested on a set of ten orange peel standards, ten effect, and three solid coating samples and shows promising performance in waviness characterization of glossy surfaces.

: BD

: 20205