Publications - Radovan Jiřík

Journal articles (5)

1. * Jiří Kratochvíla, Radovan Jiřík, Michal Bartoš, M. Standara, Zenon Starčuk jr., T. Taxt: Blind deconvolution decreases requirements on temporal resolution of DCE-MRI: Application to 2nd generation pharmacokinetic modeling. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 109, 238-248. Elsevier.   Download
2. * Michal Bartoš, P. Rajmic, Michal Šorel, M. Mangová, O. Keunen, Radovan Jiřík: Spatially regularized estimation of the tissue homogeneity model parameters in DCE‐MRI using proximal minimization. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 82:6 (2019), 2257-2272. Wiley.   Download
3. * Radovan Jiřík, T. Taxt, Ondřej Macíček, Michal Bartoš, Jiří Kratochvíla, Karel Souček, Eva Dražanová, Lucie Krátká, A. Hampl, Zenon Starčuk jr.: Blind deconvolution estimation of an arterial input function for small animal DCE-MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 62, 46-56. Elsevier.   Download
4. * Ondřej Macíček, Radovan Jiřík, J. Mikulka, Michal Bartoš, A. Šprláková, M. Keřkovský, Zenon Starčuk jr., Karel Bartušek, T. Taxt: Time-Efficient Perfusion Imaging Using DCE- and DSC-MRI. Measurement Science Review 18:6 (2018), 262-271. Sciendo.
5. * Michal Bartoš, Radovan Jiřík, Jiří Kratochvíla, M. Standara, Zenon Starčuk jr., T. Torfinn: The precision of DCE-MRI using the tissue homogeneity model with continuous formulation of the perfusion parameters. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 32:5 (2014), 505-513. Elsevier.

Conference papers (5)

1. * Michal Bartoš, Michal Šorel, Radovan Jiřík: Time-efficient Fourier domain evaluation of pharmacokinetic model in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 68, Issue 1, 777-781. Springer, Singapore 2019.   Download
2. * Hynek Walner, Michal Bartoš, M. Mangová, O. Keunen, R. Bjerkvig, Radovan Jiřík, Michal Šorel: Iterative Methods for Fast Reconstruction of Undersampled Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Data. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018, 267-271. Springer, Singapore 2019.   Download
3. * Jiří Kratochvíla, Radovan Jiřík, Zenon Starčuk jr., Michal Bartoš, M. Standara, T. Taxt: Using multichannel blind AIF estimation with the DCATH model to allow increased temporal sampling interval in DCE-MRI. Magma. Springer, Berlin 2016.   Download
4. * Radovan Jiřík, Karel Souček, M. Mézl, Michal Bartoš, Eva Dražanová, F. Dráfi, Lucie Krátká, J. Kratochvíla, O. Macíček, K. Nylund, A. Hampl, O.H. Gilja, T. Taxt, Zenon Starčuk jr.: Blind Deconvolution in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Ultrasound. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Proceedings, 4276-4279. IEEE, Piscataway 2014.
5. * R. Kolář, L. Kubečka, Jan Flusser, J. Jan, R. Jiřík: Noise Suppression in Retinal Autofluorescence Images. Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. BIOSIGNAL 2006, 302-304. University of Technology, Brno 2006.

Other publications (2)

1. * Michal Bartoš, O. Maier, R. Stollberger, Radovan Jiřík: Comparison of fitting approaches in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging : direct estimation from raw k-space signals vs. conventional approach from concentration–time curves. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 348-349. Springer International Publishing, Berlin, DE 2019.   Download
2. * Michal Bartoš, Michal Šorel, M. Mangová, P. Rajmic, M. Standara, Radovan Jiřík: DCE-MRI Perfusion Analysis with L1-Norm Spatial Regularization. Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018. Book of Absdtracts.. ISMRM, Concord 2018.