Publications - Vadym Omelchenko

Journal articles (4)

1. * Vlasta Kaňková, Vadym Omelchenko: Stochastic optimization problems with second order stochastic dominance constraints via Wasserstein metric. Kybernetika 54:6 (2018), 1231-1246. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i..   Download
2. * Vadym Omelchenko, Vlasta Kaňková: Empirical estimates in stochastic programs with probability and second order stochastic dominance constraints. Acta Mathematica Universitas Comenianae 84:2 (2015), 267-281.   Download
3. * Vadym Omelchenko: Parameter estimation of sub-Gaussian stable distributions. Kybernetika 50:6 (2014), 929-949. Ústav teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR, v. v. i..   Download
4. * Vadym Omelchenko: Behavior and Convergence of Wasserstein Metric in the Framework of Stable Distributions. Bulletin of the Czech Econometric Society 30 (2012), 124-138.   Download

Conference papers (1)

1. * Vadym Omelchenko: Elliptical Stable Distributions. Mathematical Methods in Economics 2010. University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice 2010.   Download