Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

GIS and uncertainty management

Klimešová Dana

: ISPRS. Mid-term Symposium 2006. From Pixels to Processes, p. 98-101

: ISPRS. Mid-term Symposium 2006, (Enschede, NL, 08.05.2006-11.05.2006)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: spatial information sciences, GIS, uncertainty correction, web services

(eng): The contribution delas with issues that are very closely connected: Web Services model, Dynamic GIS and the problem of uncertainty of spatial data and discusses the possibilities of the context useas a reflection of the system of understanding. The paper discuses the problem of wide context - temporal, spatial, local, objective, attribute oriented and relation oriented - as a tool to compensata and to decrease the uncertainty of data.

(cze): Příspěvek se zabývá tématy, která jsou velmi těsně propojena: Model Webových služeb, Dynamický GIS a prblematika neurčitosti prostorových dat a diskutuje možnosti využití kontextu jako systémového propojení.

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: BC