Publication details

Conference Paper (Czech conference)

Gene Expression Data Analysis for in Vitro Toxicology

Šimeček Petr

: Sborník ROBUST 2006, p. 1-8 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G.

: ROBUST 2006. Letní škola JČMF /14./, (Lhota pod Rohanovem, CZ, 23.01.2006-27.01.2006)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GD201/05/H007, GA ČR

: microarrays, skin sensitisation

(eng): Microarray analyses have been performed on CD34-progenitor derived dendritic cells that have been exposed to chemical skin sensitizers; allergens (4) and irritants (2). The aim of this work is to identify genes whose expression is affected by exposure to the allergens but not by the irritants. The inference is based on a dataset containing 72 microarrays.

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