Conference Paper (international conference)
: Proceedings 16th International Conference Process Control 2007
: Process Control 2007, (Štrbské Pleso, SK, 11.06.2007-14.06.2007)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: GA102/05/0011, GA ČR
: Nonlinear systems, Underactuated systems, Exact linearization
(eng): A new control concept for a class of an underactuated mechanical system is presented here. More precisely, the system in question is the chain of n links having n - 1 actuators between them and attached by one its ends to the horizontal plane. This paper presents its stabilization from a wide range of initial positions, much wider than typical local results in the current literature. The corresponding control is based on the superposition of n control schemes based on the well known partial exact linerization theory of nonlinear systems and combinates two different control strategies. Main control, based on maximal exact linearization of the system, is designed to control the trajectory of the centre of gravity of the system. Critically stable internal dynamics is control by a set of auxiliary inputs derived from partial exact linearization of the system. All parts of control (main control and set of auxiliary inputs) act simultaneously.
(cze): Je prezentován nový koncept řízení mechanického podaktuovaného řetězce s využitím maximální exatktní linearizace, minimální exaktní linearizace a jejich kompozitní kombinace. Její princip spočívá v pomalé dynamice minimální linearizace umožněné tím, že má zohledňovat podsystém, který je sice není asymptoticky stabilní, ale je na mezi stability. Přístup je ilustrován na příkladu tzv. acrobota.
: BC