Publication details


Selenium and its Relation to Thyroid Antibodies, Volume and Ultrasound Texture

Smutek D., Čermáková I., Jiskra J., Potluková E., Tesař Ludvík

: Endocrine Abstracts, p. 292-292

: European Congress of Endocrinology 2007, (Budapest, HU, 28.04.2007-02.05.2007)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: 1ET101050403, GA AV ČR, 1M0572, GA MŠk

: selenium, thyroid gland, sonogram, texture analysis

(eng): The relation between selenium serum level and volume of thyroid gland was found. Another interesting finding is that selenium levels were also related to texture features representing thyroid morphological structure.

(cze): Byl nalezen vztah mezi hladinou selenu a objemem štítné žlázy. Rovněž byl nalezen vztah mezi hladinou selenu a texturními příznaky sonogramu, které reprezentují morfologickou strukturu štítné žlázy.

: FB