Research Report
: ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2007)
: Research Report 2214
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: 1M0572, GA MŠk, 2C06001, GA MŠk
: adaptive feed=forward control, approximation
(eng): Feed-forward controllers are important in a range of control problems. Their importance is obvious in tasks in which potential of feedback control is limited, for instance, in systems with long transportation delays. Formally, their design can be approached by a standard methodology of optimal stochastic control. It can be consistently performed by combining Bayesian learning and dynamic programming. This formal solution can, however, rarely be converted into a computationally feasible algorithms. Thus, various approximations are searched for. The current report deals with a specific type of approximation based on a projection of optimal /emph{anticipating} control strategy to a non-anticipating one. This approximation way suits to the feed-forward control in which the selected system inputs influence the state of the controller but not the system-related data used in the feed-forward loop.
(cze): V práci je popsán speciální návrh adaptivní dopředné vazby založený na neanticipativní aproximaci optimální anticipativní strategie.
: BB