Journal Article
, ,
: Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics vol.15, 5 (2003), p. 463-485
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: IAA1075005, GA AV ČR
: multiwell stored energy, rate-independent dissipation, variational inequalities
(eng): We consider the evolution of martensitic fine structures in shape memory alloys which undergo an isothermal phase-transformation. After setting up the model based on partial differential equations, three-dimensional numerical experiments for the cubic-to-tetragonal transformation in an InTl single crystal are presented which demonstrate geometrical/material interactions under tensile and shear loading.
(cze): Ćlánek se zabývá modelováním a číslicovou simulací martensitické transformace v materiálech s tvarovou pamětí, speciálně InTl
: 120
: BA