Conference Paper (international conference)
: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, p. 367-372
: IPMU 2004 /10./, (Perugia, IT, 04.07.2004-09.07.2004)
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: possibility theory, copula, distribution function
(eng): Possibility distribution is assigned the set of dominated distribution functions defined on the same domain as the possibility distribution. The main purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that this interpretation enables to completely characterize any T-product possibility distribution by means of (sub)copulas and marginal distribution functions which are dominated by the respective marginal possibilities.
(cze): Distribuce possibility mohou být chápány jako množiny dominovaných distribučních funkcí. Článek podává úplnou chrakterizaci součinových distribuci possibility vzhledem k přípustným operacím s distribučními funkcemi
: 120
: BA