Publication details

Conference Paper (Czech conference)

MATLAB function for polynomial plus/minus factorization based on band structured matrix decomposition

Hromčík Martin, Šebek Michael

: MATLAB 2003. Sborník příspěvků 11. ročníku konference, p. 216-223

: MATLAB 2003 /11./, (Praha, CZ, 25.11.2003)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: ME 496, GA MŠk

: factorization, discrete-time, polynomial matrices

(eng): A new algorithm for the plus/minus factorization of a scalar discrete-time polynomial and its implementation in the MATLAB programming language are presented in this report. The objects and standard routines of the "Polynomial Toolbox for MATLAB" are employed. The methods is based on the relationship of polynomial algebra to the algebra of band structured ininite dimensional matrices.

: 09I

: BC