Journal Article
: Optimization Methods & Software vol.19, 5 (2004), p. 595-609
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: IAA1075005, GA AV ČR, 03ZOM3ER, BMBF
: structural optimization, stability control, nonconvex semidefinite programming
(eng): The goal of this paper is to formulate and solve structural optimization problems with constraints on the global stability of the structure. The stability constraint is based on the linear buckling phenomenon. We formulate the problem as a nonconvex semidefinite programming problem and introduce an algorithm based on the Augmented Lagrangian method combined with the Trust-Region technique. The algorithm is implemented in a code PENNON. The paper is concluded by a series of numerical examples.
(cze): V clanku formulujeme a resime problem strukturalni optimalizace s omezenim na globalni stabilitu optimalni struktury. Problem formulujeme jako nekonvexni ulohu semidefinitniho programovani a resime zobecnenou metodou rozsirenych lagrangianu
: 12A, 12C, 130
: BA