Publication details

Journal Article

Change point analysis for censored data

Hušková Marie, Neuhaus G.

: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol.126, 1 (2004), p. 207-223

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: change(s) in location model, censored data

(eng): A class of rank-based procedures for testing a change in distribution when observations are independent but possibly censored is introduced and studied. The censoring variables are assumed to be independent but not necessarily identically distributed. The test procedures are developed along the line of two-sample rank tests under random censoring (e.g. Ann. Statist. 21 (1993) 1760 by Neuhaus). The limit behavior under the null hypothesis (no change in distribution of censored variables) is derived.

(cze): V práci je studováno několik Několik testových statistik pro detekci změny rozdělení, jestliže jsou k disposici cenzorovaná data. Je vyšetřeno limitní chování. Cenzorující veličiny nemusí být nutně stejně rozdělené

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