Publication details

Journal Article

Generalized output regulation problem for a class of nonlinear systems with nonautonomous exosystem

Ramos L. E., Čelikovský Sergej, Kučera V.

: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.49, 10 (2004), p. 1737-1742

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: GA102/02/0709, GA ČR

: differential geometric, nonlinear continous time systems, output regulation

(eng): The problem of the generalized output regulation is considered here. In contrast the the classical output regulation problem, where the references to be tracked and disturbances to be rejected are generated by an autonomous exogeneous system, for the generalized output regulation an exogeneous system is driven by an unknown external reference signal. In such a way, the class of reference or disturbance signas is expanded.

(cze): Je zkoumán problém zobecněné regulace výstupu pro třídu systémů s neautonomním exosystémem. Zobecnění spočívá v možnosti zohlednit také reference a poruchy generované neautonomním exosystémem. To rozšiřuje možnosti použití

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