Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Models of microstructure evolution in shape memory alloys

Roubíček Tomáš

: Nonlinear Homogenization and its Applications o Composites, Polycrystals and Smart Materials. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, p. 269-304

: NATO Workshop on Nonlinear Homogenization and its Applications to Composites, Polycrystals, and Smart Materials, (Kazimierz Dolny, PL, 23.06.2003-26.06.2003)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: IAA1075005, GA AV ČR

: shape-memory alloys, mathematical and computer modelling

(eng): This contribution surveys menagerie of models for twinning-like microstructure and its evolution in crystallic alloys exhibiting shape-memory effects. Various levels of description of microstructure are distinguished, as well as various evolutionar mechanisms (iso- or aniso-thermal, viscous or/and plastic).

(cze): Článek se zabývá modely vývoje mikrostruktury v materiálech s tvarovou pamětí

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