Publication details

Journal Article

Domination of ordered weighted averaging operators over t-norms

Mesiar Radko, Saminger S.

: Soft Computing vol.8, 8 (2004), p. 562-570

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: GA402/04/1026, GA ČR

: domination, OWA operators

(eng): The fusion of transitive fuzzy relations preserving the transitivity is linked to the domination of the involved aggregation operator. The aim of this contribution is to investigate the domination of OWA operators over t-norms whereas the main emphasis is on the domination over the Lukasiewicz t-norm. The domination of OWA operators and related operators over continuous Archimedean t-norms will also be discussed.

(cze): Agregácia tranzitívnych fuzzy relácií, ktorá zachováva tranzitivitu, vyžaduje aby uvažovaný agregačný operátor dominoval použitú t-normu. V tomto príspevku skúmame dominanciu OWA operátorov voči t-normám, najmä voči Lukasiewiczovej t-norme a následne voči spojitým Archimedovským t-normám

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