Research Report
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: Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche, (Milano 2008)
: Research Report
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: 2C06001, GA MŠk, 1M0572, GA MŠk, GA102/08/0567, GA ČR
: group decision, fully probabilistic design, processing of fragmental information
(eng): Interactions of large societal groups exhibit predominantly a flat structure. It means that each member of the group has its aims, restricted perceiving, modelling, acting and evaluating abilities and interacts with a relatively small number of "neighbors". This is the fully scalable cooperation model worth of imitating. The paper introduces a formal model of this type with individual members being Bayesian decision makers who use so called fully probabilistic design of the optimal decision strategy. They are willing to cooperate with neighbors by providing them probabilistic distributions they use for their decision making (DM). At present research stage, interaction and communication structure are assumed to be given. Thus, the group DM is determined by specifying how the offered non-standard (probabilistic) fragmental information pieces should be exploited. The paper proposes a systematic procedure by formulating and solving the exploitation problem in a Bayesian way.
: BB