Journal Article
: Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.160, 5 (2009), p. 635-643
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: 1M0572, GA MŠk, GA102/08/0567, GA ČR
: Games with fuzzy coalitions, Core, Bargaining schemes
(eng): In this paper we introduce a new concept of solution for games with fuzzy coalitions, which we call an enlarged core. The enlarged core captures an idea that various groups of fuzzy coalitions can have different bargaining power or influence on the final distribution of wealth resulting from the cooperation process.We study a bargaining scheme for the enlarged core, which is an iterative procedure for generating sequences converging to elements of the enlarged core. It is shown that the enlarged core coincides with Aubin’s core for a specific class of games with fuzzy coalitions.
(cze): V článku je zavedeno rozšířené jádro jako nový druh řešení koaličních her s fuzzy koalicemi. Jsou studovány vyjednávací schémata, což jsou posloupnosti výplat, které konvergují k výplatě z jádra.
: BA