Conference Paper (international conference)
: Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2009, p. 1571-1575
: European Control Conference 2009, (Budapest, HU, 23.08.2009-26.08.2009)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: GA102/08/0567, GA ČR
: knowledge elicitation, Bayesian paradigm
(eng): The paper describes an advanced methodology of automatic knowledge elicitation. It merges fragmental uncertain knowledge pieces into the prior distribution of unknown parameter of a probabilistic model of a dynamic system. Careful knowledge elicitation helps in achieving as bump-less start of model-based controllers as possible. It is also important when observed data are poorly informative, which is a typical situation in closed control loops. Rigorous use of the Bayesian paradigm to the knowledge elicitation forms the essence of the methodology. Unlike former solutions, it can handle fragmental and incompletely compatible knowledge pieces in a systematic way. The description of the methodology dominates the paper and just an illustrative example is presented.
(cze): Článek popisuje pokročilou metodologii automatického získávání znalostí. Kombinuje dílčí, neurčité a zlomkové znalosti do apriorní distribuce popisující neznámý parametr pravděpodobnostního modelu dynamického systému.
: BB