Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Detection of Near-Duplicated Image Regions

Mahdian Babak, Saic Stanislav

: Computer Recognition Systems 2, p. 187-195 , Eds: Kurzynski Marek , Puchala Edward

: Fifth International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems, (Wroclaw, PL, 22.10.2007-25.10.2007)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: Image forensics, Blind forgery detection, Image tampering

: of near-duplicated image regions.pdf

(eng): The method is based on blur moment invariants, which allows successful detection of copy—move forgery, even when blur degradation, additional noise, or arbitrary contrast changes are present in the duplicated regions. These modifications are commonly used techniques to conceal traces of copy—move forgery. Our method works equally well for lossy format such as JPEG.

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