Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Nesting of Data Assimilation Cycles into the Recursive Model Predictions

Pecha Petr, Kuča P.

: PETrA 2011 (Pollution and Environment - Treatment of Air), p. 1-7

: PETra 2011: Pollution and Environment - Treatment of Air, (Praha, CZ, 17.05.2011-19.05.2011)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: VG20102013018, GA MV

: radioactivity propagation, data assimilation, filtering

: of data assimilation cycles into the recursive model predictions.pdf

(eng): Model errors analysis, influence of variability of important meteorological inputs. Specific features of introduction of advanced assimilation techniques based on merging of all available associated information including real observations incoming from terrain.

: AQ