Publication details

Journal Article

Exponential return times in a zero-entropy process

Grzegorek P., Kupsa Michal

: Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis vol.11, 3 (2012), p. 1361-1383

: KJB100750901, GA AV ČR

: return time, distribution function, entropy, exponential distribution

: 10.3934/cpaa.2012.11.1361


(eng): We construct a zero-entropy weakly mixing finite-valued process with the exponential limit law for return resp. hitting times. This limit law is obtained in almost every point, taking the limit along the full sequence of cylinders around the point. Till now, the exponential limit law for return resp. hitting times, taking the limit along the full sequence of cylinders, have been obtained only in positive-entropy processes satisfying some strong mixing conditions of Rosenblatt type.

: BA