Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Video Surveillance Application Based on Application Specific Vector Processors

Bartosinski Roman, Daněk Martin, Sýkora Jaroslav, Kohout Lukáš, Honzík P.

: Proceedings of the 2012 Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, p. 248-255 , Eds: Morawiec Adam, Hinderscheit Jinnie

: Conference on Design & Architectures for Signal & Image Processing, (Karlsruhe, DE, 23.10.2012-25.10.2012)

: 7H10001, GA MŠk

: video surveillance, smart camera, custom accelerators, vector processing, FPGA


(eng): Current video surveillance applications put higher demand both on processing power and personal privacy. This results in new video processing solutions being based on smart cameras. This paper presents a sample implementation of a system that implements core functions of a smart camera - motion detection and labelling - in an FPGA. The implementation is based on the data-flow ASVP platform extended with a number of selection operations that enable to implement constructs with conditional branching. Experimental performance results and power consumption data are presented for an actual implementation in the Xilinx SP605 board.

: JC