Conference Paper (Czech conference)
: Doktorandské dny 2012, p. 1-10
: Doktorandské dny 2012, (Praha, CZ, 16.11.2012-23.11.2012)
: Blind Source Separation, Factor Analysis, Convolution, Regions of Interest, Image Sequence
(eng): The problem of functional analysis of medical image sequences is studied. The obtained images are assumed to be a superposition of images of underlying biological organs. This is commonly modeled as a Factor Analysis (FA) model. However, this model alone allows for biologically impossible solutions. Therefore, we seek additional biologically motivated assumptions that can be incorporated into the model to yield better solutions. In this paper, we review additional assumptions such as convolution of time activity, regions of interest selection, and noise analysis. All these assumptions can be incorporated into the FA model and their parameters estimated by the Variation Bayes estimation procedure. We compare these assumptions and discuss their influence on the resulting decomposition from diagnostic point of view. The algorithms are tested and demonstrated on real data from renal scintigraphy; however, the methodology can be used in any other imaging modality.
: BB