Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Discrete LQ controller synthesis for a set of plants

Böhm Josef

: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Process Control'01

: STU, (Bratislava 2001)

: International Conference on Process Control'01 /13./, (Štrbské Pleso, SK, 11.06.2001-14.06.2001)

: AV0Z1075907

: GA102/99/1292, GA ČR

: simultaneous control, adaptive control, linear-quadratic control

(eng): The paper deals with the problem of a control of a plant described by a set of models. This task can be seen as a simultaneous control of a set of plants. The problem is formulated for a discrete time case. The solution is obtained as an extension of a standard LQ approach used in adaptive and predictive controllers.

: 09I

: BC