Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Prototyping of DSP algorithms on FPGA

Líčko Miroslav, Tichý Milan, Heřmánek Antonín, Matoušek Rudolf, Pohl Zdeněk

: POSTER 2002, p. 2

: FEL ČVUT, (Praha 2002)

: International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering /6./, (Praha, CZ, 23.05.2002)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: LN00B096, GA MŠk

: DSP, FPGA, floating-point

(eng): Poster describes an algorithm development process for FPGA. The process is shown on the example of an implementation of the QR RLS algorithm.

: 09G, 09H

: JC