Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Heterogeneous agent model with memory and asset price behaviour

Vošvrda Miloslav, Vácha Lukáš

: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2002, p. 273-282 , Eds: Ramík J.

: Technical University, (Ostrava 2002)

: Mathematical Methods in Economics, (Ostrava, CZ, 03.09.2002-05.09.2002)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: GA402/00/0439, GA ČR, GA402/01/0034, GA ČR, IAA7075202, GA AV ČR

: efficient markets hypothesis, heterogeneous agent model with memory technical trading rules

(eng): The Efficient Markets Hypothesis provides a theoretical basis on which technical trading rules are rejected as a viable trading strategy. Technical trading rules, providing a signal of when to buy or sell asset based on such price patterns to the user, should not be useful for generating excess returns. Technical traders and chartists tend to put little faith in strict efficient markets.

: 05D

: AH