Publication details

Conference Paper (Czech conference)

On the way to learning deterministic objects

Bůcha Jindřich

: Znalosti 2003. Sborník příspěvků 2. ročníku konference, p. 252-261 , Eds: Svátek V.

: VŠB, (Ostrava 2003)

: Znalosti 2003 /2./, (Ostrava, CZ, 19.02.2003-21.02.2003)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: GA102/99/1564, GA ČR

: machine learning, objects, integration


(eng): The paper deals with learning knowledge about objects, i.e. entities of the real environment. This is an important topic, often neglected by machine learning. The whole experimental approach is implemented via the integration of several areas of AI, namely machine learning, knowledge base management, reasoning, especially Prolog-like and analogical. More specifically, the approach is based on further generalization of already learned (generalized) rules, and on analogy.

: 09I

: BC