Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Variational models for microstructures in shape memory alloys and in micromagnetics and their numerical treatment

Kružík Martin

: Communications of the Bexbach Colloquium on Science 2000, p. 20-38 , Eds: Robnik M., Ruffing A.

: Shaker, (Aachen 2003)

: Bexbach Colloquium on Sciences 2000, (Bexbach, DE, 27.10.2000-29.10.2000)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: IAA1075005, GA AV ČR

: calculus of variations, convex envelope, micromagnetics-microstructure

(eng): We recall some existing variational models for microstructures in shape memory alloys and in micromagnetics and their numerical approximation. Computational examples are shown.

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: BA