Conference Paper (international conference)
: International Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, p. 429-440 , Eds: Wang Y., Hutter K.
: Schaker, (Aachen 2005)
: STAMM'2004, (Seeheim, DE, 22.08.2004-28.08.2004)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: incompressible mixtures, Prigogine description, Galerkin method
(eng): A model of a fluid mixture of incompressible chemically reacting charged constituents in Prigogine's description (i.e. balancing the barycentric momentum but not momenta of particular constituents) is presented. Under the volume-additivity hypothesis, incompressibility of all constituents, and some other simplifying assumptions, the model combines the Navier-Stokes equation with the Nernst-Planck equation with advection, the heat equation, and the Poisson equation for the electric field.
(cze): V práci se navrhuje model pro nestlačitelné tekuté směsy ionizovaných složek.
: 120
: BA