Conference Paper (international conference)
, ,
: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics 2005, p. 203-210 , Eds: Skalská H.
: Gaudeamus, (Hradec Králové 2005)
: Mathematical Methods in Economics 2005 /23./, (Hradec Králové, CZ, 14.09.2005-16.09.2005)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: IAA7075202, GA AV ČR, GD402/03/H057, GA ČR
: macroeconomic models, Keynesian and Classical models, nonlinear differential equations
(eng): In this article we compare dynamical properties of Keynesian and Classical macroeconomic models. We start with an extended dynamical IS-LM neoclassical model generating behaviour of the real product, interest rate, expected inflation and the price level over time. Limiting behaviour, stability, existence of limit cycles and other specific features of these models will be compared.
(cze): V praci jsou porovnavany dynamicke vlastnosti keynesianskych a klasickych makroekonomickych modelu. Nejprve jsou vysetrovany vlastnosti rozsireneho IS-LM neoklasickeho modelu zejmena s ohledem na chovani celkoveho produktu, urokove miry, ocekavane inflace a cenove hladiny. Dale se zkoumaji a porovnavaji specificke rysy a asymptoticke chovani techto modelu, zejmena jejich stabilita a existence limitnich cyklu.
: 12B
: AH