Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Spatial - temporal modelling

Klimešová Dana, Ocelíková E.

: Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, p. 169-172

: IEEE, (Hungary 2005)

: INES 2005 /9./, (Mediterranean Sea, GR, 16.09.2005-19.09.2005)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: dynmaic modelling, temporal analysis, dynamics evaluation

(eng): The paper discusses the trends of temporal data modelling, gives the overview of approaches and shows the examples of data models. We focus the difficult cases to be represented by the current temporal models, shows further dimensions of given problem and speak about possibilities to improve the capabilities of temporal object understanding and to spread the representation of spatial-temporal object and phenomena.

(cze): Článek se zabývá trendy v temporálním modelování dat, zabývá se časoprostorovými modely a jejich využitím pro popis dynamického chování objektů a jevů.

: 09I

: JD