Publication details

Monography Chapter

Delamination and adhesive contact models and their mathematical analysis and numerical treatment

Roubíček Tomáš, Kružík Martin, Zeman J.

: Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures, p. 349-400 , Eds: Mantič V.

: CEZ:AV0Z20760514

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA106/09/1573, GA ČR, GAP201/10/0357, GA ČR

: contact mechanics, inelastic processes, surface damage

: 10.1142/9781848167858_0009


(eng): This chapter reviews mathematical approaches to inelastic processes on surfaces of elastic bodies. We mostly consider a quasistatic and rate-independent evolution at small strains and the concept of the so-called energetic solution. This concept is applied e.g.~to brittle/elastic delamination, cohesive contact problems, and to delamination in various modes. Beside the theoretical treatment, numerical experiments are also presented. Finally, generalizations to dynamical and thermodynamical processes are outlined, together with extension to homogenization of composite materials with debonding phases.

: BA