Publication details


Bipolar semicopulas

Greco S., Mesiar Radko, Rindone F.

: Abstracts of the 34th Linz Seminar Non-classical measures and integrals, p. 63-65

: Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory /34./, (Linz, AT, 26.02.2013-02.03.2013)

: GAP402/11/0378, GA ČR

: bipolar integral, bipolar semicopula, bipolar aggregation


(eng): The concept of semicopula plays a fundamental role in the definition of a universal integral. We present an extension of semicopula to the case of symmetric interval [−1,1]. We call this extension bipolar semicopula. The last definition can be used to obtain a simplified definition of the bipolar universal integral. Moreover bipolar semicopulas allow for extension of theory of copulas to the interval [−1,1].

: BA