Conference Paper (international conference)
: Digital Photography XI
: Digital Photography and Mobile Imaging XI, (San Francisco, US, 09.02.2015-10.02.2015)
: 938213/2013, GA UK, M100751201, GA AV ČR
: image blind deconvolution, image deblurring, blur estimation, pixel saturation, boundary artifacts
(eng): Single image blind deconvolution aims to estimate the unknown blur from a single observed blurred image and recover the original sharp image. Such task is severely ill-posed and typical approaches involve some heuristic or other steps without clear mathematical explanation to arrive at an acceptable solution. We show that a straight- forward maximum a posteriori estimation incorporating sparse priors and mechanism to deal with boundary artifacts, combined with an efficient numerical method can produce results which compete with or outperform much more complicated state-of-the-art methods. Our method is naturally extended to deal with overexposure in low-light photography, where linear blurring model is violated.
: JD