Publication details

Journal Article

Capacities and overlap indexes with an application in fuzzy rule-based classification systems

Paternain D., Bustince H., Pagola M., Sussner P., Kolesárová A., Mesiar Radko

: Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.305, 1 (2016), p. 70-94

: Capacity, Overlap index, Overlap function, Choquet integral, Fuzzy rule-based classification systems

: 10.1016/j.fss.2015.12.021


(eng): In this work, we introduce a method for constructing capacities using overlap indexes between the fuzzy sets which are generated from the inputs of the considered problem. We also use these capacities to aggregate information by means of the Choquet integral in a fuzzy rule-based classifier. We observe that with these capacities the obtained results are better than those obtained with other measures.

: BA