Publication details

Research Report

Sparse robust portfolio optimization via NLP regularizations

Branda Martin, Červinka Michal, Schwartz A.

: ÚTIA AV ČR v. v. i., (Praha 2016)

: Research Report 2358

: GA13-01930S, GA ČR, GA15-00735S, GA ČR

: Conditional Value-at-Risk, Value-at-Risk, risk measure


(eng): We deal with investment problems where we minimize a risk measure under a condition on the sparsity of the portfolio. Various risk measures are considered including Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value-at-Risk under normal distribution of returns and their robust counterparts are derived under moment conditions, all leading to nonconvex objective functions. We propose four solution approaches: a mixed-integer formulation, a relaxation of an alternative mixed-integer reformulation and two NLP regularizations. In a numerical study, we compare their computational performance on a large number of simulated instances taken from the literature.

(eng): We deal with investment problems where we minimize a risk measure\nunder a condition on the sparsity of the portfolio. Various risk measures\nare considered including Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value-at-Risk\nunder normal distribution of returns and their robust counterparts are\nderived under moment conditions, all leading to nonconvex objective\nfunctions. We propose four solution approaches: a mixed-integer formulation,\na relaxation of an alternative mixed-integer reformulation and\ntwo NLP regularizations. In a numerical study, we compare their computational\nperformance on a large number of simulated instances taken\nfrom the literature.

: BB