Monography Chapter
, ,
: Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, p. 23-51 , Eds: Rocca E., Stefanelli U., Truskinovsky L., Visintin A.
: Symposium on Trends on Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, (Řím, IT, 20160905)
: GF16-34894L, GA ČR, GA17-04301S, GA ČR
: lower semicontinuity, parametrized measures
(eng): It is well known that besides oscillations, sequences bounded only in L1 can also develop concentrations, and if the latter occurs, we can at most hope for weak∗ convergence in the sense of measures. Here we derive a new tool to handle mutual interferences of an oscillating and concentrating sequence with another weakly converging sequence. We introduce a couple of explicit examples showing a variety of possible kinds of behavior and outline some applications in Sobolev spaces.
: BA
: 10102