Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Hidden Conflict of Belief Functions

Daniel M., Kratochvíl Václav

: Proceedings of the 21st Czech-Japan Seminar od Data Analysis and Decision Making, p. 31-40 , Eds: Sung Shao-Chin, Vlach Milan

: The 21st Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making, (Kamakura, JP, 20181123)

: GA16-12010S, GA ČR

: belief functions, Dempster-Shafer theory, uncertainty, conflict, non-conflictness


(eng): Hidden conflict of belief functions in case where the sum of all multiples of conflicting belief masses being equal to zero was observed. \nDegrees of hidden conflict and of non-conflictness are defined and analysed including full non-conflictness. Hidden conflict between two belief functions is distinguished from internal hidden conflict(s) of the individual belief function(s). Finally, computational issues of hidden conflict and non-conflictness are presented.

: IN

: 20205