Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Wirtinger inequality-based control design for an interconnected large-scale system with sampled controls

Rehák Branislav

: Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference 2019, p. 1009-1014

: The 38th Chinese Control Conference, (Guangzhou, CN, 20190727)

: GA19-07635S, GA ČR

: Large-scale system, Time delay system, Wirtinger inequality

: 10.23919/ChiCC.2019.8866449

(eng): A control design for a large-scale interconnected system composed of identical subsystems is studied. The control of the subsystems is sampled, the sampling times are not equal for all subsystems. However, a minimal time delay in every control loop is assumed. The control design is based on the Wirtinger inequality, thus reducing conservativeness.

: BC

: 20204