Publication details


Completeness properties in abstract algebraic logic

Cintula Petr, Noguera Carles

: TACL 2019. Abstracts, p. 59-60 , Eds: Ghilardi S., Jansana R., Gehrke M.

: TACL 2019: Topology, Algebra, and Categories in Logic /9./, (Nice, FR, 20190617)


(eng): Any (propositional) logic L, construed as a structural consequence relation, is strongly complete with respect to the class Mod∗ (L) of its reduced models, i.e., Γ `L ϕ if, and only if, Γ |=Mod∗ (L) ϕ (where `L is the derivability relation of the logic L and |=Mod∗ (L) is the semantical consequence relation with respect to the class Mod∗ (L)).