Publication details

Journal Article

Design of a nonlinear observer using the finite element method with application to a biological system

Rehák Branislav, Lynnyk Volodymyr

: Cybernetics and Physics vol.8, 4 (2019), p. 292-297

: GA19-07635S, GA ČR

: Nonlinear observer, Partial differential equation, Finite elements, Bioreactor

: 10.35470/2226-4116-2019-8-4-292-297


(eng): An observer for a nonlinear biological system - biomass production in a bioreactor - is proposed. The specific growth rate is estimated. The key point of the observer design is finding a solution of a certain partial differential equation. Conditions guaranteeing existence of its solution are presented. The solution is approximated using finite element method. The results are illustrated by a numerical example.

: BC

: 20205