Conference Paper (international conference)
: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Optimization (ICCAIRO), p. 92-99
: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., ( 2020)
: International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Optimization ICCAIRO 2019, (Athens, GR, 20191208)
: LTC18075, GA MŠk, CA16228, The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
: dynamic systems, mixture models, Bayesian learning, mixture ratio
: 10.1109/ICCAIRO47923.2019.00023
(eng): Finite mixtures of probability densities with components from exponential family serve as flexible parametric models of high-dimensional systems. However, with a few specialized exceptions, these dynamic models assume data-independent weights of mixture components. Their use is illogical and restricts the modeling applicability. The requirement for closeness with respect to conditioning, the basic learning operation, leads to a novel class of models: the mixture ratios. The paper justified them and shows their ability to model truly dynamic systems.
: BD
: 10201