Publication details

Conference Paper (international conference)

Systems biology analysis of a drug metabolism (with slow-fast. . . )

Papáček Štěpán, Lynnyk Volodymyr, Rehák Branislav

: Proceedings of the PANM 20 Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 20

: Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 2020 (PANM 2020), (Hejnice, CZ, 20200621)

: GA19-05872S, GA ČR

: Dynamical system, Complex system, Optimization


(eng): In the systems biology literature, complex systems of biochemical reactions (in form of ODEs) have become increasingly common. This issue of complexity is often making the modelled processes (e.g. drug metabolism, XME induction, DDI) difficult to intuit or to be computationally tractable, discouraging their practical use.

: BC

: 20205