Publication details

Journal Article

A new class of decomposition integrals on finite spaces

Mesiar Radko, Li J., Ouyang Y., Šeliga A.

: International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.149, 1 (2022), p. 192-205

: Decomposition integral, Choquet integral, Concave integral, Concave integral, Pan-integral

: 10.1016/j.ijar.2022.08.004



(eng): A new type of decomposition integral is introduced by using a family of decomposition integrals based on the collections relating to partitions and maximal chains of sets. This new integral extends the Lebesgue integral, and it is different from those well-known decomposition integrals, such as the Choquet, concave, pan-, Shilkret integrals and PCintegral. In the structure of a lattice on the class of decomposition integrals, the introduced decomposition integral is between the Choquet integral and the concave integral, and also between the pan-integral and the concave integral, and it is a lower bound of PC-integral. The coincidences among several well-known integrals and this new integral are also shown.

: BA

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