1. * M. Ignatova, T. Patarinska, V. Ljubenova, Jindřich Bůcha, Josef Böhm: Adaptive stabilization of ethanol production during the continuous fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. IEE Proceedings. Control Theory and Applications 150:6 (2003), 666-672. |
2. * Miroslav Kárný, Jindřich Bůcha, Josef Böhm, Natalia Khailova, Petr Nedoma: Automatizace návrhu adaptivního regulátoru. Automatizace 46:2 (2003), 84-89. |
3. * Natalia Khailova, Miroslav Kárný, Petr Nedoma, Jindřich Bůcha: Apriorní znalost pro počítačový návrh adaptivního řízení. Automa 8:10 (2002), 45-49. |
1. * Jindřich Bůcha: On the way to learning deterministic objects. Znalosti 2003. Sborník příspěvků 2. ročníku konference, 252-261. VŠB, Ostrava 2003. Download |
2. * Jindřich Bůcha: Object oriented analysis and design. OBJEKTY 2000, 99-108. CZU, Praha 2000. Download |
3. * Jindřich Bůcha: On Efficiency of Learning: A Framework and Justification. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ontology Learning, 51-53. ECAI, Berlin 2000. Download |
4. * Jindřich Bůcha: Roboti, učení a kopaná. Sborník z konference AUTOS 2000. Automatizace ve strojírenství, 123-128. TERIS, Praha 2000. Download |
5. * Jindřich Bůcha, Petr Nedoma, Miroslav Kárný, Josef Böhm: Knowledge-based approach applied in the design of adaptive controller. Process Control '99. Proceedings, 19-23. Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava 1999. Download |
6. * Jindřich Bůcha, Miroslav Kárný, Petr Nedoma, Josef Böhm, Jiří Rojíček: Overview of Designer 2000 project. Process Control '98. Proceedings, 65-70. University of Pardubice, Pardubice 1998. Download |
7. * Jindřich Bůcha, Miroslav Kárný, Petr Nedoma, Josef Böhm, Jiří Rojíček: Designer 2000 project. International Conference on Control '98, 1450-1455. IEE, London 1998. Download |
8. * Jindřich Bůcha: On efficiency of learning: A framework. Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, 99-104. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1998. Download |
1. * Jindřich Bůcha: Experimentální učící se systém. Dokumentace software. Research Report 2062. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2002. |
3. * Jindřich Bůcha: On Efficiency of Learning: A Framework and Justification. Research Report 1983. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 2000. Download |
5. * Jindřich Bůcha: On Efficiency of Learning: A Framework. Version 1.0. Research Report 1969. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999. |
6. * Jindřich Bůcha: Integration of Basic Cognitive Functions into Problem Solver: Proposal'98. Research Report 1952. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1999. Download |
7. * Jindřich Bůcha, Miroslav Kárný, Petr Nedoma, Josef Böhm, Jiří Rojíček: DESIGNER 2000. Feasibility Study. Version 1.0. Research Report 1918. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1998. |
8. * Petr Nedoma, Miroslav Kárný, Josef Böhm, Jindřich Bůcha, Jiří Rojíček, Luděk Berec: ABET97. Adaptive Bayesian Estimation Toolbox for MATLAB. Research Report 1914. ÚTIA AV ČR, Praha 1997. |