1. * Miroslav Frost, Barbora Benešová, Hanuš Seiner, Martin Kružík, Petr Sedlák, Petr Šittner: Thermomechanical model for NiTi-based shape memory alloys covering macroscopic localization of martensitic transformation. International Journal of Solids and Structures 221:1 (2021), 117-129. Elsevier. Download |
2. * B. Benešová, Martin Kružík, A. Schlömerkemper: A note on locking materials and gradient polyconvexity. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 28:12 (2018), 2367-2401. World Scientific Publishing. Download |
3. * B. Benešová, Martin Kružík: Weak Lower Semicontinuity of Integral Functionals and Applications. SIAM Review 59:4 (2017), 703-766. Download |
4. * B. Benešová, Martin Kružík: Characterization of gradient young measures generated by homeomorphisms in the plane. ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 22:1 (2016), 267-288. EDP Sciences. Download |
5. * B. Benešová, S. Kroemer, Martin Kružík: Boundary effects and weak* lower semicontinuity for signed integral functionals on BV. ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 21:2 (2015), 513-534. EDP Sciences. Download |
6. * B. Benešová, Martin Kružík, G. Pathó: A mesoscopic thermomechanically coupled model for thin-film shape-memory alloys by dimension reduction and scale transition. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 26:5 (2014), 683-713. Springer. Download |
7. * Barbora Benešová, Martin Kružík, G. Pathó: Young measures supported on invertible matrices. Applicable Analysis 93:1 (2014), 105-123. Taylor & Francis. Download |
8. * Barbora Benešová, Martin Kružík, Tomáš Roubíček: Thermodynamically consistent mesoscopic model of the ferro/paramagnetic transition. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 64, 1-28. Springer. Download |